
Integrated product-service solutions or Product-Service Systems promote a shift from value in exchange to value in use to satisfy customer needs. In this new landscape, manufacturers do not sell a physical product, but its usage (renting, pay-x-use) or its outcome (pay-x-performance).

Companies and supply network should focus on reducing the Life Cycle Cost of the Product-Service Systems and extending their lifecycle in order to maximize profits, but also to increase customer utility and the lifecycle value of their offerings.

Such models entail environmental benefits through increased duration, renovation and re-use of product modules. Despite the expected benefits at a company and societal level, the transition towards such models is slow and mainly concerning large multinationals manufacturers. Smaller firms often lack managerial vision, competence and resources to revolution their Strategy, Organization (internal and inter-firm), Product Design, Maintenance/Repair/Renovation Services and Economic Performance Measurement Systems (towards customer lifetime value).
The T-REX project supports such transition in the capital goods industries by developing and experimenting conceptual tools, with three practical demonstrators in the transportation (forklift trucks), machine tools and robot solutions domains.

T-REX project: Lifecycle Extension Through Product Redesign And Repair, Renovation, Reuse, Recycle Strategies For Usage&Reusage-Oriented Business Models

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European Union webpage

This project has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement nº 609005.


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