Thursday, 18 February 2016 11:25

T-REX consortia plans dissemination of Advanced Maintenance results at five international events in 2016

T-REX consortia, and in particular IK4-TEKNIKER, PREDICT and ULMA forklift trucks, are preparing a campaign to disseminate results related to the Advanced Maintenance, Fleet Management and Condition Monitoring solutions developed at T-REX, with a special focus on their impact on new Service-Oriented Business Models.

The campaign takes advantage of the celebration of five fairs and conferences that coincides in Basque Country in 2016. This coincidence will convert Bilbao & Basque Country in an interesting hub of ideas related to Advanced Maintenance. IK4-TEKNIKER actively participates in the organization of these events and expects to guarantee a wide spread dissemination of final T-REX research and results.

BasqueCountry fairs-conferences 2016 

From May 30th to June 4th, Bilbao international fair BEC will host the 29th BIEMH International Machine Tool Exhibition which is the largest fair in Basque Country that celebrates biannually and attracts people all over the world. IK4-TEKNIKER will have an exhibition stand where will show the potential of Condition Monitoring with the support of ULMA forklift trucks.

More information at

In parallel, BEC will host during the 2nd and 3rd of June the first Maintenance Innovation Conference at its congress centre, following the success of previous editions concerning advanced maintenance (see last year participation at and the growing interest on predictive maintenance technologies. IK4-TEKNIKER is collaborating in the organization of this event, which is fully focused on industry, from its knowledge in maintenance and the R&D experience of T-REX among others.

More information at

During 7th and 8th of June, IK4-TEKNIKER is co-organising with Jost institute the 6th LUBMAT congress in Bilbao. This is the reference event in lubrication, maintenance and tribotechnology, and expects an audience of more than 300 participants and 30 exhibitors with good mixture industrial and academic participants. IK4-TEKNIKER, as the chair of this event, is taking the necessary steps to convert this event in a remarkable experience and, among others, it will also exhibit T-REX results.

More information at

From 5th to 8th of July in Bilbao will also take place the 3rd European Conference of the PHM Society – PHM Europe 2016 or PHME16. IK4-TEKNIKER and PREDICT are participating in the organizing committee. This conference has a long tradition in the US and celebrates this 3rd European event in Europe after Dresden and Nantes conferences. T-REX partners PREDICT, ULMA forklift trucks and IK4-TEKNIKER also expects to participate in it.

More information at

Finally, from October 19th to 21st Biarritz will host the 3rd IFAC AMEST Workshop, after Seville and Lisbon. The aim of this Workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to provide a survey of the advances in the field of maintenance. IK4-TEKNIKER will also participate.

More information at

On behalf of T-REX consortia, we would like also to encourage all parties interested in T-REX to attend these events and to request to the consortia more information about participation opportunities.


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