Friday, 05 June 2015 11:09

IK4-TEKNIKER predictive technologies presented at Maintenance Bilbao 2015 conference

Aitor Arnaiz, head of reliability and maintainability group at IK4-TEKNIKER, presented the latest advances in predictive technologies within the speech ‘Predictive diagnostic technologies in the factory of the future’, as part of the programme of the conferences ‘advanced maintenance in the framework of Industry 4.0’ that were co-located to the first edition of the ‘Maintenance Bilbao 2015’ fair at Bilbao Exhibition Center (May 27th).

MaintenanceBilbao2015 logo

Among examples of the upcoming technologies, Aitor included T-REX as the best example of how advanced maintenance can help to promote enhanced Business Models (i.e. Servitization).

You can access to the conference programme and overview by the following links:


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