Remanufacturing was much aligned to the activities of T-REX, and, in this sense, Aitor Arnaiz showed actual T-REX preliminary results, and the ongoing work to develop the “Servitization” tools that will facilitate in the near future the transition to Service-Oriented Business Models, which in turn pushes the transition to re-use and re-manufacturing activity models.
“Remanufacturing is the ultimate form of recycling; the use of end-of-life products and components, as core resources for the manufacture of equivalent or upgraded ‘good as new’ products. The aim is to maintain the products’ maximum intrinsic value in iterative multi-cycle loops. Remanufacturing is one of the cycles within the Circular Economy."
This event was coordinated from the Basque construction cluster (ACEDE) and the living lab H-Enea, and was attended by nearly 25 participants from the industry, research and public institutions, in order to understand how it is possible to advance in the development of new industrial business based on the re-use and re-manufacturing.