Friday, 21 November 2014 09:53

T-REX liason to the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) TC 319 Maintenace (Lugano – Switzerland, 20th October 2014)

CEN/TC 319 Maintenance - European Committee for Standardization (CEN)

20th Plenary Meeting / 20th October 2014, SUPSI, Manno - Lugano, Switzerland

T-REX liason process to the CEN/TC 319 regarding to Maintenace was finished at October 2014, with the participation of two of the partners, Aitor Arnaiz from IK4-TEKNIKER and Thomas Meiren from Fraunhofer IAO, in CEN/TC 319 plenary meeting at Lugano.

T-REX project was presented to CEN members at this meeting where other main issues arising from it were:

- 11 active working groups (e.g. Maintenance documents, processes, condition assessment, performance-KPI, risk based inspection, qualification of personel, contracts, assets management, etc.).

- EN 13269:2006 Maintenance - "Guideline on preparation of maintenance contracts" in revision.

- EN 13306:2010 Maintenance - "Terminology" in revision.

- Working group 8 (Maintenance Management) will have a re-start. TC 319 members are invited to propose solutions to obtain an attracting and dynamic document.

- T-REX: A formal liaison has been established.

- The proposal to open a liaison with CEN TC 256 WG 48 (Railway applications - Rolling stock maintenance) was accepted.

T-REX CEN TC319 meeting Lugano

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