Thursday, 09 April 2015 13:18

A Book of Abstracts of the 3rd International Business Servitization Conference has been realeased for open access

We are pleased to inform that the Book of Abstracts following the 3rd International Business Servitization Conference, held in Bilbao in November of last year and where IK4-TEKNIKER presented a paper describing part of T-REX Project, is now available for open access at the following link.

Through this link you could also access to conference photos and the slides presented during the conference.

T-REX Servitization2014book

Oscar Revilla, T-REX researcher at IK4-TEKNIKER, presented the paper “Extending manufacturing towards service-oriented business models: the T-REX technological levers that support this extension” during the Session about Servitization in Manufacturing Settings.

In the DOCUMENTS section of the website you can also download the full paper (in English).


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